Annual Letter from President

Welcome to Spring & Summer 2021 at Morrison Lake!

It may not be apparent right now but were hopeful that as we move into summer, all cottagers will be able to begin enjoying their cottage properties and Morrison Lake to a greater extent than has been the case since March 2020 when Covid became such a household name. 

The Ontario Government Stay-At-Home Order that came in effect Thursday, April 8, 2021 and was extended to June 2, 2021, has made it necessary for the MLRA Executive to announce that the Annual Victoria Day weekend MLRA AGM will be official postponed.  We have set a tentative date for July 4th, at 1pm, the Canada Day Long weekend, as the new scheduled meeting date at the North Morrison Lake Rd Boat Launch.

Obviously, we do need to follow the Stay-At-Home Order guidelines, and having a gathering at the Boat Launch is not permissible currently.  We are hopeful come July 4th some restrictions will be relaxed, and we can host this meeting with our MLRA Members.  If that turns out not to be possible, we will consider hosting a Zoom meeting.  Certainly not our preference, as we do feel it is important to have an in-person Members meeting since there has not been one since September 2019.  

Over the coming weeks, more details about the July 4 AGM meeting will be distributed to members of the MLRA.

One other point I wish to make, is that over the past few weekends there has been a significant increase in boating activity and with the May Long Weekend looming, we wanted to bring your attention to a piece that we have created about Boating Etiquette that will be posted on the Morrison Lake Facebook page.  Each year we receive many concerns from lake residents about boat size, speed, and noise.  We must all do our best to respect this precious resource, treat it with care and make sure our actions on the lake do not detract from the enjoyment of other lake users and residents.  

Especially concerning this time of year are the nesting Loons, and the soon to be chicks. Boating activity that creates boat wakes and speed has a negative impact on Loon nests.  These nests tend to be established on Mile Island and through the back channel.  It is important that we give them their space, so we never lose the call of the Loon that we so much look forward to hearing each spring, summer, and fall.  

Finally, your $25 annual dues for 2021 can be paid either at the meeting in July, or preferably by electronic transfer through your online banking, using with the PASSWORD Morrison.  

Please be sure to include your Full Name, Cottage address and your email address in the comments.  We need this information to communicate with our members on a regular basis. 

The MLRA Executive look forward to meeting all members at the meeting, and during the coming summer.

In the meantime, please feel free to reach out to any one of MLRA Executive if you have any questions, concerns, or feedback. 

Enjoy a safe long weekend.

Mark Wadey,
Interim President

SS21 Letter from the President