Love Your Lake Program

Morrison Lake was very lucky to be picked for participation in this program in 2022. Sponsored by The Muskoka Watershed Council, Watersheds Canada and the Canadian Wildlife Federation, this program gives every property owner on our lake an assessment of their property and what, if any, changes might be made to reduce toxic runoff. Love Your Lake is primarily concerned with the riparian zone or the water's edge on our lakes. Each of our 228 waterfront lot owners received a Survey Results letter in Spring 2023. Hopefully property owners have taken the reports suggestions to heart and made an effort to improve their riparian zone.

Home - Muskoka Watershed Council      

 The Natural Edge Program provides an easy way for owners to begin naturalizing their shoreline. The program is jointly administered by Watersheds Canada and Muskoka Watershed Council. .

Free site visits are available to waterfront property owners in our delivery region. During these visits, owners are provided with advice and recommendations to improve the health of your shoreline property.

If planting is recommended and you decide to move forward with a shoreline re-naturalization project, we can offer you all the resources you need to get started through the generous support of our funding sponsors. Resources in our Shoreline Re-naturalization Starter Kit include a customized planting plan, educational materials and native plants to create natural habitat along your shoreline.

See this link: The Natural Edge - Muskoka Watershed Council             

As well, our neighbour, Laura Thomas owns and operates Hidden Habitat, a native plant nursery on 2017 Southwood Road that we all drive by. Laura offers site services in addition to sales of the native shrubs and plants.